The Duodenal Diet: Post-Operative Diet For Successful Weight Loss

16 June 2015
 Categories: , Articles

If you are overweight, you most likely understand the cosmetic problems associated with obesity. However, obesity affects you cosmetically, physically, and mentally. From possible cardiovascular issues and fatigue to depression and diabetes, the serious nature of being overweight is easy to see. While there are many medications and diets that can help, you still may struggle through your weight loss. If you have a body mass index of 40 or greater and suffer with type 2 diabetes or a body mass index of 50 without diabetes, your doctor may suggest the duodenal switch surgery for weight loss.

During this procedure, surgeons remove a portion of your stomach and then reroute a section of intestine. Since this is an invasive and involved surgery, proper recovery is key to success. Using this diet, you will understand how to eat after your duodenal switch surgery.

Immediately After Surgery

The surgery will alter your entire digestive system, so your body will be in a state of shock immediately after the procedure. In most cases, you will need to stay in the hospital for 2 to 3 days. This allows your body time to heal and adjust. In addition, your surgeon will be able to monitor your digestive capabilities. During your hospital stay, your doctor will approve small portions of broth and sugar-free gelatin.

Before leaving the hospital, have a friend of family member shop for groceries that are appropriate for you after surgery. During the first week of recovery, focus your diet on clear liquids. Here are a few safe options to consume during your initial stage of recovery:

  • Water
  • Clear Broths
  • Sugar-Free Gelatin
  • Sugar-Free Popsicles
  • Decaffeinated Coffee/Tea
  • 100 Percent Fruit Juice, Diluted with Water

1 Week into Recovery

In most cases, you will be able to add more foods into your diet a week into your recovery. However, be sure to visit your doctor to ensure your digestive system is able to handle these dietary additions.

During this time, incorporate small portions of low-fat, sugar-free foods. Consider low-fat cottage cheese, sugar-free and nonfat yogurt, sugar-free puddings, blended low-fat soups, and blended, hot cereals that are rich in fiber.

2 Weeks into Recovery

If you are able to consume the soft, low-fat, sugar-free foods without any side effects or digestive problems, you can begin eating more appealing, fulfilling foods. Here are a few options to consider 2 weeks into your recovery:

  • Sugar-Free Applesauce
  • Cooked, Pureed Vegetables
  • Scrambled Egg Whites
  • Canned Tuna
  • Soft Breads and Crackers
  • Tofu
  • Lean Chicken and Fish
  • Mashed Potatoes/Sweet Potatoes

It is important to note that these foods should never have additives for flavor. Cream, butter, spreads, and other condiments are not recommended after the duodenal switch surgery.


After your procedure, your stomach and intestines will be a great deal smaller, reducing the absorption of food. While you will experience rapid weight loss, your body will also have a reduction in important vitamins and minerals. Considering you are at a higher risk of vitamin deficiencies after your duodenal switch surgery, taking supplements is imperative for healthy weight loss.

Here are a few key supplements to add to your daily diet:

  • Multi-Vitamin – Add a good quality multi-vitamin to your regimen. The multi-vitamin should contain folic acid, copper, iron, and zinc.
  • Calcium – Proper nutrition is imperative for your teeth and bones, but insufficient calcium can quickly affect your health. Incorporate a calcium supplement into your diet to prevent issues with your teeth and bones.
  • Probiotics – The surgery shocks your digestive system, but probiotic supplements calm and heal problems in your stomach and intestines.

Weight loss surgery can be a serious physical, financial, and emotional investment, so proper recovery is essential for long term success. Using these duodenal diet tips, your surgery will be a successful one. For more information on duodenal switch surgery, you can visit a site like
