Dermal Fillers: 5 Questions Answered About This Cosmetic Procedure

16 January 2017
 Categories: , Articles

If you are considering a type of cosmetic procedure to reduce fine lines or wrinkles or diminish the appearance of recessed scars, you may wish to learn more about dermal fillers. This technique (often done through injections) is most often performed by dermatologist, plastic surgeon, or other medical professionals, including medical aestheticians and nurse practitioners. Dermal fillers may also be performed in conjunction with other procedures, such as Botox injections. If you experience early signs of aging, dermal filler injections may be worth looking into. Before you begin, you may have several questions that need to be addressed. Here are 5 pertinent questions answered:

1. What Can Dermal Fillers Do For Your Appearance?

As you begin to age, your facial structure may lose volume. A dermal filler can help fill out those shallow contours of your face, giving you a fuller, healthier look. It may also help diminish the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines by softening or smoothing them out. In many cases, this technique may help reduce dark circles under the eye. If your lips have become thinner with age, dermal fillers may make them appear plumper.

Dermal fillers are not only for improving facial contour and smoothing out winkles. Many patients see improvement when using this technique to reduce the appearance of recessed scars. Because every case differs, you should ask your doctor if dermal fillers are a good option for your scar or scars.

2. What Does The Dermal Filler Procedure Involve?

Before the augmentation procedure takes place, the doctor or practitioner will evaluate your skin tone and facial structure and appearance. Quite often, the provider will mark the facial areas to be treated and take a photo or two. The areas of treatment will then be cleansed and disinfected with a special microbial solution. Local anesthesia or a numbing agent will be given so you will feel minimum discomfort as the injections are given.

The length of the session may depend upon how many areas are to be augmented, but for most individuals, it will take under an hour. Ice may be applied to cool and soothe the area and prevent any possible swelling.

3. How Long Will the Benefits Last?

The enhancement of this procedure is not intended to be permanent. However, many patients see lasting effects for several months or longer. Your doctor can advise you on how to preserve the results of your treatment through simple maintenance and routine skin care. You may wish to have additional filler treatments after a period of time. Discuss this option with your health care provider to learn more.

4. Are There Any Risks or Side Effects Involved?

Most patients experience only minor effects such as mild bruising or swelling after the procedure. However, you may experience a minimal degree of numbness that should subside after a few hours. Slight redness of the treated area may also occur, but this should also diminish after a short period of time.

It is highly uncommon to experience serious complications after having dermal filler injections. However, as with any medical procedure, there is a possibility of complications such as an allergic reaction, bleeding, rash, itching, or possible scarring. These complications are rare, but they will be noted in the consent form you're asked to sign.

5. Are You a Good Candidate For This Procedure?

If you have an underlying medical condition, you may not be an ideal candidate for this procedure. Also, non-smokers often receive the best results. In addition, you need to set realistic goals, as this procedure is not intended to replace plastic surgery for patients who have complicated issues. Discuss this method of treatment with your physician. Your doctor can tell you if a dermal filler technique is right for you.  
